"I Have An Open Adoption: A Celebration of Family and Open Adoption"
by Sharon Lind
Based on the author's own relationships with her children's birth families, this simple
story describes the interaction between families in open adoption and emphasizes the
common bond of love which brings adoptive and birth families together.
"The Birth of A Family" by Carol M.
The story of one family's journey through foster-adoption and the creation of a love
which knows no boundaries.
"My New Cousin" by Amanda, age 10
A young girl expresses her feelings about her newly adopted cousin in verse.
"First Steps: Building An Open Adoption" by Sharon Lind
As Seen In Open Page, Summer 2001. Blessed with two children through
open adoptions, the author talks candidly about building relationships with
birth families.
"Taking Charge by Sharon Lind,
As Seen In Adoptive Families Magazine, March/April 2001. Her
homestudy completed, one mother filled the waiting time with support
groups, networking, and even a little shopping.
"Open Adoption:
The Story of a Special Bond" by SST, Managing Editor
One family's story of the road to openness and to a special bond
between parent and child and between their family
and their children's birthfamilies.
"The Call" by SST,
Managing Editor
For most adoptive parents, the moment that they first
heard about their child is forever marked in their memory.
"The Call" is an adoptive mother's memory of this magical moment.
"Giving Love Away"
by Beverly Walker
An emotional poem capturing a birthmother's simultaneous
feelings of the pain and joy surrounding adoption and placement.
"The Day She Was
Born" by Jill Hopster An adoptive mother recalls her feelings
and describes the progression of events surrounding her daughter's
"Finding Abbi's Birthfather:
E-mail From A Friend" Experience the raw emotions of search and
reunion through emails from a personal friend. Take a glimpse into
her journey as she seeks to embrace her daughter's birthfather and
his family into an already open adoption.
"My First Mother's Day - My Journey to Motherhood" by Stephanie Riles This short speech expresses the feelings
of an adoptive mother on her first Mother's Day.
"Picture Perfect" by Linda Egan A touching essay which describes the true treasures that make a house a home and how the presence of a child changes life forever.
"Our Nigerian Blessing--A Poem of Love and Loss" by Jan Ronge A deeply moving poem which expresses the hurt and disappointment of a failed adoption attempt.